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The TopSoil® Webinar

The TopSoil® Webinar

TopSoil Webinars are an opportunity for you to educate yourself as Mitchell and other Continuum Ag Representatives sit down with industry leaders to dig into the hottest topics in Agriculture including Carbon Intensity, Soil Health & Precision Ag.

One of Continuum Ag’s core values it to be Forward Thinking and that’s why we try to educate ourselves on the latest and greatest in agriculture… and we want you to be along for the journey!

Join Mitchell Hora and Tim Gannon, Chief of Staff, FPAC from USDA as they discuss what’s happening in D.C regarding what’s happening with Carbon Intensity.

This USDA has been really pushing on regenerative agriculture and focusing on sustainability, and now carbon intensity which is one of there new big focuses.


Join to learn what is happening, and to stay up to date with efforts coming out of D.C while being in position to capitalize on your farm in 2024!

Future TopSoil® Webinars

Archived TopSoil® Webinars

Stay up to date with all our latest episodes!

Publishing June 30th

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Publishing on April 20th

Test for another post set a couple of days farther in the future.

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Published today April 12th

This is just a test webinar to see if the query filter works properly and displays the scheduled posts.

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Posted yesterday, April 11th

content here

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Regen Ag & Food System Summit

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Hwy 14 Soil Health Tour

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National Ethanol Conference

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec fermentum consectetur sem, eget varius elit convallis eget. Etiam gravida, augue eget dignissim molestie, magna dui euismod diam, commodo imperdiet neque metus sit amet mauris. Nunc a pretium justo. Sed laoreet non orci nec mattis. Donec vestibulum sem vestibulum, ornare leo eget, tincidunt ligula. Etiam euismod laoreet nunc, non placerat elit sollicitudin eu. Etiam suscipit purus id arcu euismod, feugiat malesuada lectus commodo.

Pellentesque tempor leo sapien, quis porta tellus aliquet sit amet. Praesent et dapibus leo. Vivamus nec ex ex. Proin blandit posuere libero quis commodo. Mauris ac ullamcorper odio, sit amet blandit massa. Nulla lobortis consequat bibendum. Donec id fringilla magna, vitae suscipit nibh. Sed quis justo sed arcu scelerisque accumsan vel vestibulum massa. Nunc porta elementum enim sed suscipit. Mauris efficitur, diam id luctus consectetur, erat ante tempus eros, nec blandit sem arcu eu justo. Maecenas venenatis hendrerit eleifend. Aliquam quis lorem efficitur, molestie lectus eget, luctus turpis. Vivamus augue est, elementum et enim non, mattis suscipit ex. Duis vel eleifend velit, sed feugiat erat. Phasellus id massa ut enim bibendum vehicula. Duis convallis consectetur molestie.

In enim tortor, scelerisque sed cursus vitae, bibendum eu eros. Quisque tempus eros vulputate malesuada tincidunt. Integer vulputate tortor diam, a tincidunt ipsum ornare eget. Aliquam commodo iaculis massa nec pharetra. Cras semper neque porttitor nibh congue accumsan ultricies sit amet orci. Integer sit amet tellus et mauris tristique iaculis. Suspendisse at consectetur neque. Morbi sit amet lacus dignissim, dignissim nibh eget, mollis eros. Vestibulum consectetur turpis sed tempus consequat. Morbi mollis, diam porttitor varius cursus, risus massa convallis justo, quis rhoncus tortor risus non enim. Mauris condimentum turpis vitae metus dignissim, id ornare nisi gravida. Phasellus odio ante, mollis at pretium sed, aliquet sit amet dui. Cras eget tortor eu velit ultrices elementum at vel dolor.

Nulla diam metus, porttitor a sapien iaculis, consequat aliquet est. Cras tincidunt nisl vitae arcu consequat, sit amet pulvinar ante consectetur. Integer lacinia diam quis metus hendrerit, at volutpat lorem eleifend. Nam risus libero, volutpat id consectetur quis, tempus eu sem. Maecenas lectus mi, posuere et pretium in, bibendum vitae sem. Aliquam feugiat et augue id consequat. Vivamus pretium, mauris vel faucibus ultrices, nisl mi tristique dolor, nec gravida odio tellus eu ex. Donec sagittis mattis magna. Cras ut lorem vitae ipsum mollis lacinia. Nunc pharetra turpis ut lectus mattis, ullamcorper luctus ex cursus.

In vel eros ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent a fringilla purus. Vivamus nec vehicula risus. Suspendisse ut metus non massa efficitur luctus. Nulla efficitur vel magna lobortis congue. Fusce gravida, orci nec iaculis hendrerit, eros augue bibendum ipsum, sit amet scelerisque mauris elit pulvinar odio. Donec sed ex porta, ullamcorper mi ac, fermentum ex. Integer ut erat in ante iaculis cursus auctor at sapien.

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

Montana Soil Health Symposium

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

Iowa Ag Expo Ag Talks

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Growth Energy Leadership Conference

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The Inside Scoop of CI from the USDA – Tim Gannon (USDA)

Join Mitchell Hora and Tim Gannon, Chief of Staff, FPAC from USDA as they discuss what’s happening in D.C regarding what’s happening with Carbon Intensity.

This USDA has been really pushing on regenerative agriculture and focusing on sustainability, and now carbon intensity which is one of there new big focuses.


Join to learn what is happening, and to stay up to date with efforts coming out of D.C while being in position to capitalize on your farm in 2024!

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

The Carbon Intensity Series

We are so HAPPY and EXCITED with how our TopSoil® Series Webinars discussing carbon intensity(CI) turned out! We are hoping for more to come in the future! Stay tuned for other carbon intensity(CI) webinars… Thank you for engaging! 

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

Taming The Wild West of Carbon

We are EXCITED for you to watch one of our next episodes in the series over Carbon Intensity with host, Mitchell Hora and guest, Amy Skoczlas Cole. 

Listen to our new webinar “Taming The Wild West of Carbon”, In this webinar you will hear from our Host, Mitchell Hora and his dearest friend, Amy Skoczlas Cole! These two will discuss data and the trends in the sustainability space of agriculture.

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

Sitting Down with the Queen of Soil Health

We are EXCITED for you to watch one of our next episodes in the series over Carbon Intensity with host, Mitchell Hora and guest, Dr. Liz Haney. 

Listen to our new webinar “Sitting Down with the Queen of Soil Health”, In this webinar you will hear from our Host, Mitchell Hora and his dearest friend, Dr. Liz Haney! These two will discuss all things happening in the world of regenerative agriculture and so much more!

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

Using Humics & New Products to Lower your CI Score

We are EXCITED for you to watch one of our next episodes in the series over Carbon Intensity with host, Mitchell Hora and guest, Fred Nichols. 

Featuring one of our GOLD sponsor from the TopSoil Summit, an individual who has helped get his boots dirty for one of our farm trials… In this webinar, join Mitchell Hora as he sits down with Fred Nichols of HUMA, formally Bio Huma Netics, as they discuss new technology that could be used on your farm to lower your carbon intensity score! A big part of the carbon intensity score is your fertilizer inputs and their impact on GHC emissions, replacing synthetic fertilizer with more natural soil health friendly products, this can help reduce your CI score in a holistic manner.

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

The Most Important Thing In Agriculture: Relationships

We are EXCITED for you to watch one of our next episodes in the series over Carbon Intensity with host, Mitchell Hora and guest, Dave Stamp. 

Listen to our new webinar “The Most Important Thing in Agriculture: Relationships”, I think YOU (the farmer) could agree that relationships are very important! ???? Connect with Host Mitchell Hora and one of his earliest business mentors, Dave Stamp! These two Ag wizards will discuss the fine details of agriculture and the importance of a successful business. Dave has a long history in the ag sector and he is now working with Continuum to expand and deploy a dealer network!

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

Creative Companies Helping You Cash In

We are EXCITED for you to watch one of our next episodes in the series over Carbon Intensity with host, Mitchell Hora and guest, Ben Gordon. 

Listen to our new webinar to hear from one of our buddies at Fractal, a new company helping you to capatalize on your farms built up equity! You will connect with Mitchell Hora and Ben Gordon for their discussions about “Creative Companies Are Helping you Cash in” or what we like to say, “the FUTURE of agriculture”, and how start-up companies can help with opportunities for family farms like YOURS! 

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

Carbon Intensity Pilot Projects

We are EXCITED for you to watch one of our next episodes in the series over Carbon Intensity with host, Mitchell Hora and guest, Theodore Gunther. 

Host Mitchell Hora and Justin Freyenberger will talk with Theodore Gunther with ADM about why carbon pilot projects can be a bonus due to the 45Z tax from ADM’s perspective.

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

Farming Soil Tax Credit Opportunites

We are EXCITED for you to watch one of our next episodes in the series over Carbon Intensity with host, Mitchell Hora and guest, Bryce Irlbeck. 

This webinar is to learn about the differences in farming soil tax credits involving 45Z.  Tune in to ensure you are well positioned to capitalize in farming tax credit opportunites! 

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

The Scoop on the Scopes of Carbon Intensity

We are EXCITED for our next episode in the series over Carbon Intensity with host, Mitchell Hora and joined by Elizabeth Burns -Thompson VP, Government, & Public Affairs. 

This webinar is to learn about the differences in Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon footprints.  Farmers fall within the Scope 3 footprint of nearly every supply chain and opportunities are emerging to capitalize on carbon reduction gains. This webinar will specifically dig into renewable fuels and the opportunities to reduce the carobn footprint of biofuels.  Tune in to ensure you are well positioned to capitalize! 

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

CI Math, Modeling, and Maxamizing Your Opportunity

We are EXCITED for our next episode in the series over Carbon Intensity on May 22nd, 2023, at 8 AM CT! Host, Mitchell Hora will be joined by Jerry Hatfield. 

This webinar will allow you to LEARN exactly what the science is of carbon intensity, and the math procedure that is used to determine your score!

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

Topping Out CI Models With TopSoil®

We are EXCITED for our next episode in the series over Carbon Intensity on May 2nd, 2023, at 1 PM CT! Host, Mitchell Hora will be joined by Kaustubh Bhalerao of Continuum Ag: Software Developer.

This webinar will allow you to LEARN exactly how the scoring system for carbon intensity works and the interworking of the GREET model. GAIN insight into how the TopSoil® tool can help you to optimize your score.

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

Intelligently Navigating Changes in the Carbon Space

We are EXCITED for our next episode in our series over Carbon Intensity on April 18, 2023, at 1 PM (central time). Host Mitchell Hora will be joined Matt Rohlik of Arva Intelligence. Learn exactly WHAT the difference between carbon offestting and carbon insetting is, and dive deeper into the scope three of CI, and why YOU as a farmer should care about it.

Click below to watch the webinar recording:

What the heck is it? Why should you care?

We are EXCITED to start our series over Carbon Intensity on April 6th, 2023, at 5 PM (central time). Host Mitchell Hora will be joined by two special guests, Justin Freyenberger, the Regen Success Lead at Continuum Ag, and Brian Hora, a Continuum Ag advisor. Learn exactly WHAT carbon intensity is, and why YOU as a farmer should care about it.

Click below to watch the webinar recording: